Tid: Mandag den 17. juni, kl. 16.00 – 18.00 (mødenr. 19-24)
Sted: DTU Sustain, Building 112 – room 002/004, Miljøvej, Kgs. Lyngby (Også adgang via Bygningstorvet, bygning 115 gennem glasgangen)
Online deltagelse mulig/ online participation is possible
Faglig tilrettelæggelse
Østgruppen under ATV Jord og Grundvand v/ senior researcher Annika Fjordbøge, DTU Sustain, og Paul Thorn, Head of Department, Rambøll
Lisbeth Verner, ATV Jord og Grundvand,
Mødet er et ”gå-hjem-møde”, og deltagelse er uden beregning, men du bedes venligst tilmelde dig senest 14. juni med en kort e-mail til
The ”go-home-meeting” is free of charge, but please register by June 14 at the latest by sending a brief e-mail to and please specify if you wish to participate physically or online.
Link til onlinemødedeltagelse sendes på e-mail om formiddagen den 17. juni til de registrerede / Link for online participation will be sent by e-mail on June 17 in the morning
Mandag den 17. juni 2024, kl. 16-00 - 18.00, gå-hjem møde
DTU Sustain, Building 112 – room 002/004, Miljøvej, Kgs. Lyngby (Også adgang via Bygningstorvet, bygning 115 gennem glasgangen) Online deltagelse mulig/ online participation is possible
Groundwater contamination with PFAS is currently receiving significant attention. This meeting will present some of the most recent international experiences within the area.
The management of PFAS sites differs from sites with more established groundwater contaminants with regard to both risk assessment and remediation. Compared to the established groundwater contaminants PFAS have several key differences such as different sources and different fate and transport properties including complex retention processes in the unsaturated zone.
Understanding and quantifying the primary processes that control PFAS leaching and mass discharge to groundwater is therefore critical for characterizing, managing, and mitigating long-term contamination risks. Modelling of the PFAS-specific transport processes is an important tool in testing hypotheses formulated from field observations and quantifying long-term impacts of PFAS leaching to groundwater.
16.00-18.00 |
Program Welcome Comparing PFAS to Conventional Groundwater Contaminants Implications of PFAS fate and transport in soils for managing groundwater contamination and remediation
Tilmelding / Registration Send venligst senest 14. juni en kort e-mailtilmelding til og angiv venligst, om du ønsker at deltage fysisk eller online. Link til onlinemødedeltagelse sendes på e-mail om formiddagen den 14. juni til de registrerede Please register by June 14 at the latest by sending a brief e-mail to and please specify if you wish to participate physically or online. Link for online participation will be sent by e-mail on June 17 in the morning.
Mødet er et ”gå-hjem-møde”, og deltagelse er uden beregning / The ”go-home-meeting” is free of charge |
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